There is no other program on the planet that offers this level of personal and professional development for yoga teachers. The 2,000-Hour Level is designed to support teachers to become holders of the flame of Purna Yoga. It is truly unique.
Study directly with world-renowned Yoga Masters and Purna Yoga® founders Aadil Palkhivala and Savitri, and you receive the gift of working with two Masters fervently dedicated to your progress and growth towards your Soul. The 2,000-Hour Level holds you to the highest standards of excellence in your personal practice, your yoga teaching and your life.
This program delves deeply into Heartfull® Meditation , asana and pranayama, teaching methodology, therapeutics, applied philosophy, business, ethics, nutrition, and energetics. To fulfill the program’s intention and embody Purna Yoga, you must learn to live and teach from your inner wisdom—therefore, the greatest attention is placed on the development of your personal integrity, professionalism, and intuition through your connection to your Soul.
Participants must be 500-Hour Purna Yoga Teachers and be registered with Yoga Alliance as an RYT-500 hour higher.
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